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BF3 Viper Killer! with Anderzel
Battlefield 3 Online Gameplay - JackFrags AnderzEL Viper Ownage :)
Battlefield 3 - Viper pOwning With Jackfrag's
Battlefield 3 - AH-1Z Viper Gameplay
Battlefield 3 - Armored Kill Rush Bandar Desert Gameplay with JackFrag's
Armored Kill Rush Bandar Desert Gameplay with AnderzEl
EPIC Battefield 3 Game w/ Anderzel - Nopscopes RPGs and Funny moments
Battlefield 3 - Viper 20 Kill Streak
Battlefield 3 - SVD Hardcore Aggressive Recon on Sharqi Peninsula
[BF3] Viper Pilot sniped from 239m away
Battlefield 3 : The ExSperminaters - With AnderZel, IPwnStar4Hire & ChaBoyyHD - Live Commentary
Uncut Viper gunner 121 KillStreak -||- Kharg Rush